Standard / Custom blade
Even a piece of any types of special blades can be designed and manufactured to meet your particular application.
Samples of actual work pieces are required on inquiry for designing and quoting.
Plastic cutting
Plastic cutting
Machine-installed type for plastics cutting
Radius cutting of plastics
At hard to reach places
Punching in rubber
Punching irregular holes
Punching semicircle holes
Punching triangle holes
Punching twin holes
Fixing nut retainer rings
Hex. forming on pipe end
Quadruple caulking
Caulking steel or copper plates
Caulking steel or wood plates
Unusual caulking
Caulking aluminum sash
Caulking round bands
Caulking attachments
Unusual caulking
Bending steel plates
Instant cutting / crashing of copper wire
Deforming wire for retention
Inserting rubber caps
Driving keys